0610007 SD DC Aimee and Mom
Originally uploaded by momjeeps.
I just got these pictures via email from Melissa. These were taken by her camera phone. I love them and had to share.
Here is Aimee with Auntie M.

Stay up to date on the families latest happenings. Watch us (the kids, not the parents) grow. Hear our funnies.
I just got these pictures via email from Melissa. These were taken by her camera phone. I love them and had to share.
Here they are fighting for a spot on momma. Look at the little calico on the top of the pile. So cute!
Today Ashlee lost her first tooth!
She was getting anxious to have it out. Daddy tied some dental floss to it and said she could pull it or play with it or whatever. Then when she had pretty much forgotten it was there daddy grabbed it as she walked by and pulled up!
I doubt she'll trust daddy to tie floss to her tooth next time, but she was happy to have the big space in her mouth. She was one of only two in her first grade class that had not lost any teeth by the end of the year.
We visited with Rob's mom's uncle and his family today. We met Ma's cousins, Robin and Penny (Rae) and their kids. I didn't take many pictures which makes me sad now. But I had to get a picture of Aimee with her "twin"!
We had a very nice visit and hope to go back much sooner. Rob had not seen these relatives since he was a boy.