Rob needed to go to Little Rock to pick up and drop off stuff today. We also took the Gray kitten to her new home in Little Rock. Since U-haul was paying for Rob to drive to and from Little Rock we were able to spend a few more dollars and take the kids downtown for some exploring. (Photographers note: After we got home I discovered a huge finger print on the lens. So all of these photos have a haze to them. I edited some of them to be improved.)
First we went to the visitor center in a really old restored building... This little playhouse was restored out front.

Next we went downtown and found some public parking. We walked a block or so to the Old State House. This building was used from early Arkansas days until 1911 as the States governing house. It has since been restored (a couple of times) and houses an Arkansas history museum. President Clinton held his inaugural parties in the front lawn area of this building when he won each of his Presidential elections. My favorite part here was the darkened room that housed outfits that the first ladies of Arkansas wore. We didn't really get to see all of this museum because it was not as interesting to the young ones as it was to mom and dad.

Next we walked on down the road and went into the Peobody Hotel and saw the ducks in the water fountain in their lobby. If you watched Oprah and Gail's trek across the United States you may have seen their segment on the ducks make a grand entrance and departure from the fountain in the lobby of this hotel each day. Well we missed their grand entrance, but we did see them. Of course, I didn't capture a picture for some reason. Perhaps I was too busy making sure the two year old was not going for a swim with the ducks?
We continued down the street and caught the trolley to the River Walk area. Here there are shops and eateries. During this time of year there is also a huge farmer's market. We didn't purchase any produce, but it was fun to walk around and watch people bargaining and sampling wares. We found a little table and all shared some mexican food for lunch (it had the shortest line). And the mexican food was surprisingly authentic for being in Arkansas. Anyway, no pictures of that either LOL.
Next we again caught the long trolley. It goes over to where the Clinton Library is, but by that time we were done walking and didn't think it would particularly interest the kids. Again no picture. But here are pictures of the kids playing in a water fountain while we waited for the trolley across from the River Walk area.

And a picture of Ashlee on the trolley.

We got off the trolley near wear the car was parked and drove on to North Little Rock where we went to see a replica of an Old Mill. Rob ended up staying in the car with Ryan sleeping. But the kids and I walked around this place a bit. There were a lot of people taking pictures there. The kids had fun running around to all the different bridges and things.

(The little spec in the window, do you see it?, that is Ashlee.)

It was a fun day. And we were home before too late, which was nice too.