101108-04 Farm Day Ashlee at a corn machine
Originally uploaded by momjeeps.
Today, just a day after the 1st grade and two days after the 4th grade field trips, was Ashlee's classes Family Farm Day. Her teacher grew up on this farm. They had a ton of activities planned. I encourage you to click on the picture above to see lot more pictures. There was kettle corn, pony rides, face painting, cow milking, hay ride, bon fire, marshmallow roasting, walk through the creek, sheep wrangling, go home wet and muddy... Lots and lots of fun!
In fact, Robbie wasn't thrilled about going. He said when we leaving to go there that he'd rather stay home if we'd let him. But guess who was the last one in the car when it was time to go home!
But mom was TIRED! Three days in a row of field trips, whew!