Daddy and Ryan 121706
Originally uploaded by momjeeps.
Here are a few pictures of Ryan that I took today. Quite a busy boy.

A boy after Uncle Charley's heart.

Ouch! Mom, do you think you could go get my shoes?.
Stay up to date on the families latest happenings. Watch us (the kids, not the parents) grow. Hear our funnies.
Here are a few pictures of Ryan that I took today. Quite a busy boy.
A boy after Uncle Charley's heart.
Ouch! Mom, do you think you could go get my shoes?.
Uncle Walter and Aunt Jodie came for a quick visit this weekend. They brought out a trampoline that mom and dad found on E-bay for $3.75.
We had fun with Walter and Jodie. We had a few nice meals at home. Cooked them some farm fresh eggs for breakfast with biscuits and some of my canned apple butter.
Nagging wife says, "Remember you are not as young as you were when you jumped on these at Ma and Pa's.
Vonavie is right again!
OK kids, Its bath time everybody into the wash stall. I'll get the hose!
Its has been so nice these past few days. Almost hit the 70's outside. Notice, no jackets!
What do you think the chances are it will stay this way through their upcoming two weeks at home with mommy? Not good huh? I'll probably have four muchkins helping me bake cookies and with other inside activities. Just think how clean they will get their rooms. Yeah right! Wake up mommy, your dreaming!
Ashlee thinks, "I'm gonna get the stick from stitch."
"Come on Stitch, give me the stick..."
"I got it!"
Here is Robbie Rooster and some of his "chicks". Pun intended. (We did not name the rooster after our son, he was already named when we got him - Just coincidence.)
The small chick is one of the surviving chicks that hatched back in September. She and two others survived Stitch's chicken buffet day. Stitch ate the mom and four of the babies. BAD DOG!
Midnight has his winter coat. He is very fuzzy and soft. I did not know a horse could be so furry.
Diamond found a cozy gorilla to curl up with.
Ryan loves to sit and look at books. This one happens to be a sticker book.
The girls finally had their sleepover on Friday. All the girls had forgotten about it on the actual planned date the week prior. So I got to remake the doll cake. The purple and pink is the first verison. The orange is the second cake. The second one was requested to be yellow. But a mixup with the coloring had us deciding orange would be fine.
To moms delight the girls were all asleep by 11:00 p.m. Much better than the all-niter the boys pulled!