Ryan Look School 031407 web
Originally uploaded by momjeeps.
This is the "Your going to leave me here again aren't you?" look.
My cute Ryan has started school. His pediatrician referred us to The Learning Center because his speech development is behind quite a bit. It is most likely because he had ear infections almost constantly until he had tubes put in his ears in May 2006. He probably wasn't hearing well before that.
We have already seen an improvement in his talking since he started school and he has only been going for a week and a half.
His school is quite far. Daddy usually takes him in the morning because it is near where daddy often starts his day. Then he rides a bus back to Paragould in the afternoon. We don't pick him up from the bus until 5:15-5:30 p.m. so it is a long day for him.
Here is a picture of him blowing bubbles in his cereal bowl that Doug and Donna gave him and another picture of him at school.

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